Whether you are an athlete, a manager or simply want to improve the quality of your life, our Coach, with great experience in the field of NLP, Communication, Sport, Life Coaching and corporate training, will be thrilled to create the best plan for your personal growth!
Thanks to an incredibly advanced tool, the REISS MOTIVATION PROFILE, based on scientific studies aimed at understanding the levers of human motivation, you will be able to better understand your choices, the situation you need to face and you will have the opportunity to work on your personal possible improvements with an experienced Coach. First of all, you need to know that we are all one of a kind, special and unique!
You will be taught how to know and value your uniqueness in a path of personal growth and awareness in Unusual style!
Have you ever seen yourself as a wizard?
Your words, in fact, can be magical spells that arouse reactions in the people you communicate with .. if you then add a deep knowledge of verbal and non-verbal language and master the best NLP techniques to assume an empowering attitude, here you have in hand the keys to a successful life. Our NLP and communication courses are addressed to any company, business, sports club or, small groups of open, curious people who feel the need to transform their lives and their relationships. We organize tailor made courses, both in the classroom and immersed in wonderful natural sceneries. Memorable outdoor experiences for a memorable life. Strictly Unusual style!
Learning is one of the best ways to feel alive. Our Discovery courses are precious opportunities to discover, guided by passionate experts, the most beautiful marine and mountain areas that Nature offers us. The only condition .. be curious and be ready to get excited!